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Peter Smith
Peter trained with us from the beginning and has now achieved Sport Diver
Mark Lazenby
Mark joined as a PADI Open Water diver and has competed Sport Diver
Remy Barry
Remy joined as a CMAS diver and has completed his Sport Diver
Sam Phillips
Sam trained with us from the beginning and has completed both his Ocean and Sport Diver.
Sam went on to become a trainee of the year.
Thomas Pilkington
Thomas trained with us from the start and is now a Sport Diver
Andy Boylett
Andy has trained with us from the beginning and has now completed his Sport Diver
Glenn Cook
Glen joined as a PADI Open Water Diver and has completed his Sport Diver.
Glen then went on to become an Assistant Open Water Instructor.
Ryan Moore
Ryan has trained with us from the start and has completed his Ocean Diver
David Bolton
David joined as a PADI Open Water diver and has completed both his Ocean Diver and Sport Diver grades,
Ashley Moore
Ashley has trained with us from the beginning and has completed both his Ocean Diver and Sport Diver
Reuben Fenwick
Reuben has trained with us from the beginning and has completed his Ocean Diver, he later went on to become a guide with a PADI school overseas.
Sharon Mckenzie
Sharon has trained with us from the beginning and has completed both Ocean and Sports Diver.
James Hughes
James got the diving bug whilst on holiday and gained PADI Open Water.
One month after joining us is now a Sport Diver
Shaun Bates
Shaun has successfully compleated his Ocean Diver grade.
Mark Ahern
Mark trained with us from the beginning and achieved Sport Diver
Margaret Richardson
Margaret trained with us from the beginning and now has become a Sports Diver
Oliver Gibb
Oliver has completed his Ocean Diver grade and became trainee of the year.
Jonathan Clement
Jonathan trained with us from the start and has achieved Dive Leader including becoming Trainee of the year.